the modified word


Negation prefixes are used to change the meaning of a word to its opposite. Examples include:

“In-“: Indicates negation or lack of something. Example: “inactive” (not active).
“Des-“: Similar to “in-“, indicates the reversal or removal of an action. Example: “disappear” (no longer be present).

Intensification Prefixes

These prefixes modify the degree or intensity of the meaning of the original word:

“Re-“: Suggests repetition or intensification. Example: “reiterate” (say something again).
“Super-“: Denotes something superior or excessive. Example: “superhero” (extremely capable hero).
Prefixes for Spatial and

Temporal Relationships

Prefixes can also indicate a spatial or temporal relationship in:

“Pre-“: Indicates something earlier in time. Example: “prehistory” (before recorded history).
“Sub-“: Suggests something that is Why do you want to find someone by phone number? below or inferior. Example: “subterranean” (under the earth).
Importance of Prefixes in

the Spanish Language

Prefixes are essential for the formation of new words and for enriching vocabulary. Through them, speakers can express a wide range of ideas and nuances more accurately.


Prefixes allow Spanish speakers

to adjust the meaning of a base word to fit different contexts.

Vocabulary Enrichment

Using prefixes helps expand

vocabulary without needing to invent new words entirely. For example, by adding the prefix “anti-” to the word “virus,” we get “antivirus,” a term that clearly describes something that fights viruses.

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